Preparation time before starting the detox: 3 weeks.

It takes three weeks, up to 120 hours if you are not focused, to organise the groundwork for the Health Storey detox program. A list of questions to review for the prep are on the Crazy Eight Detox blog. The motivation for wellness might be there but your work and home environments may not have the systems in place or be organised in the right way for an 8 week detox.

During the prepping for detox preparation time, you will gear up for the detox and life changes that happen with a healthy and fit life.

You might be motivated to detox for a specific goal but during those twenty one days, you may find your goal pivoting as you prepare, adjust, and build the groundwork.

Each day of the preparation time you will be building your detoxing toolkit and completing goals to make the detox achievable.