Having lived alone in the London area for a few years, here are some tips for staying healthy living in London & England.

- Do not overshop groceries. Grocery stores are open daily and fresh produce is available in all grocery stores. Purchase fresh vegetables packaged in plastic to avoid contamination from environmental urban soot and to keep the produce for a longer period of time.
- Explore the different green grocers and grocery stores if you are buying daily. In certain neighbourhoods the green grocers have fresh produce from different European countries and specialty items like smoked garlic.
- Carry the appropriate grocery bag as a singleton. Do not carry a bag from the grocery store. Use a tote bag stating your ideology or the appropriate colour. When I use a black tote, I get suspicious looks and grocery bags from a grocery store may be considered flirting.
- Do not eat or drink while walking except when you want to signal to other Londoners. Leave drinks for your destination to limit additional calories. If you are taking coffee to work, put your coffee in a thermos and in you bag to avoid adding calories while walking.
- Buy bakery products first thing in the morning or right when they are baked. The bakers of London make great bakery products including bread, buns and desserts. If you are working with a health coach, factor in 2 to 3 hours of NEAT activity for each bakery product.
- London is an expensive place to live but groceries are a reasonable price and cooking at home is not complicated. Buy an airfryer for healthy simple cooking and basic cookware to cook a budget friendly menu.
- England is known for tea and there are plenty of varieties to find one that you enjoy. Drinking tea adds water into your day and keeps your skin hydrated.
- Eat dark chocolate. Eating dark chocolate is healthy for your providing you with nutrients and an emotional boost.
- Set a calorie limit per meal. By setting a calorie limit, you will know how much NEAT energy you need to spend a day and whether you need to head to the gym or go for a walk.
- Living alone means eating alone. During breakfast and dinner plan your meals to be more routine and stand while you are eating at a bistro table. Buy a favourite cup and tea to make breakfast a happy start to the day. For dinner, set a menu and take out only the food you want to eat for the meal. Do not stock your London home with evening grazing food.
- Avoid Home Food Deliveries as a single person. If you are living alone in London and you want to have takeaway food, walk to the food establishment and pick up your meal. Take your grocery tote to carry the food home.
- Avoid cooking smelly foods that might annoy your neighbours.
If you are in the process of wellness detoxing, make sure to buy a daily supplement for Iron, Magnesium and Calcium. Certain Areas of England have Free radicals in the environment so a Collagen supplement will help with skin maintenance.